Datasets and analysis scripts of Salvatori, De Groeve et al. (2022).

Directory Structure

The repository contains the following files and directories:

├── RP016.Rproj
├── code
│   ├── 0_data_preparation.sql
│   ├── 0_data_preparation.Rmd
│   ├── 0_data_preparation.html
│   ├── 1_mismatch_and_modelling.Rmd
│   ├── 1_mismatch_and_modelling.html
│   ├── 2_patchsize.Rmd
│   ├── 2_patchsize.html
│   ├── 3_validation_gps.Rmd
│   ├── 3_validation_gps.html
│   └── fncs
│       ├── 00_basic.R
│       ├── 01_compute_kde.R
│       ├── 02_reclass_rast.R
│       ├── 03_intersect_rast_gps.R
│       ├── 04_intersect_rast_kde.R
│       ├── 11_boxplot_mismatch.R
│       ├── 11_confusion_scheme.R
│       ├── 11_forest_proportion_barboxplot.R
│       ├── 11_model_selection.R
│       ├── 11_plot_predictions.R
│       ├── 11_proportion_plot.R
│       └── 21_patch_statistics.R
├── data
│   ├── 1_mismatch_and_modelling
│   │   ├── gps_data.csv
│   │   ├── gps_for_model.csv
│   │   ├── kde_data.csv
│   │   └── kde_for_model.csv
│   ├── 2_patchsize
│   │   ├── red.csv
│   │   └── roe.csv
│   ├── 3_validation_gps
│   │   ├── red.csv
│   │   └── roe.csv
│   └── raw
│       ├── gps
│       │   ├── red_rds
│       │   └── roe_rds
│       └── rasters
│           ├── red_raster_clc_population_14.tif
│           ├── red_raster_clc_population_17.tif
│           ├── red_raster_clc_population_21.tif
│           ├── red_raster_clc_population_3.tif
│           ├── red_raster_clc_population_8.tif
│           ├── red_raster_tcd_population_14.tif
│           ├── red_raster_tcd_population_17.tif
│           ├── red_raster_tcd_population_21.tif
│           ├── red_raster_tcd_population_3.tif
│           ├── red_raster_tcd_population_8.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_clc_population_1.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_clc_population_15.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_clc_population_2.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_clc_population_25.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_clc_population_8.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_tcd_population_1.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_tcd_population_15.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_tcd_population_2.tif
│           ├── roe_raster_tcd_population_25.tif
│           └── roe_raster_tcd_population_8.tif
└── results


Data preparation and analysis scripts are stored in the code-directory.

file(s)/directories description
0_data_preparation.sql SQL-query extracting the raw data from the eurodeer database
0_data_preparation.Rmd preparation of gps_data/kde_data: calculation of HRs & intersection of GPS/KDE with TCD/CLC
1_mismatch_and_modelling.Rmd CLC/TCD mismatch analysis and statistical modelling of day-night forest use in roe and red deer
2_patchsize.Rmd patch size analysis
3_validation_gps.Rmd Validation confusion matrices of mismatching GPS location
fncs/ functions used in step 1, 2, 3


Raw and processed datasets are stored in the data-directory. Datasets are described in more detail in the above scripts.

file(s)/directories description
raw/gps/ RDS; raw gps data of roe and red deer as extracted from the eurodeer database
raw/rasters/ TIF; study area extracts of TCD and CLC rasters
1_mismatch_and_modelling/ CSV; absolute and proportion of forest and open habitat calculated for GPS/KDE with TCD/CLC
2_patchsize/ CSV; GPS locations with patch sizes
3_validation_gps/ CSV; 100 random gps locations per population, validated using a satellite layer as ground truth


Salvatori M, De Groeve J, van Loon E, De Baets B, Morellet N, Focardi S, Bonnot NC, Gehr B, Griggio M, Heurich M, Kroeschel M, Licoppe A, Moorcroft PRM, Pedrotti L, Signer J, Van de Weghe N, & Cagnacci F (2022) Day versus night use of forest by red and roe deer as determined by Corine Land Cover and Copernicus Tree Cover Density: assessing use of geographic layers in movement ecology. Landscape Ecology, 37: 1453-1468